Friday, January 15, 2010

Hi friends and family, who still check my blog!

Hey Everybody! So it's been awhile since I've last wrote and so many things have happened. I'm just going to make a list,  if that's ok with you?
1.) I got a bunch of teeth, which is great, because I can eat all kinds of different foods. Which I don't, but if I wanted to, I could.
2.) I love ELMO, I kind of have a crush on him. My parents say I talk about him in my sleep. I got an Elmo movie with some of my Christmas money (thanks to my Great-grand parents). I would like to watch it all day, but mom and dad won't let me. Elmo is the bomb!
3.) My parents bought me a potty seat! I'm not sure what they were thinking...don't they know that I'm still a baby. I go potty in it every once in while to make them happy. They get so excited, it's actually pretty entertaining. They always clap and cheer for me. Daddy doesn't clap for mommy when she goes potty, so I'm thinking it doesn't last.
4.) In August, a huge mug fell into my face, leaving a pretty cool scar. My mom was a mess. The doctor still freaks me out, but I never liked him anyway. All is good, and I got new clothes out of the deal.

Well if you can think of anything else, make a comment. Mickey mouse club house is going to be on and I love singing the hotdog song, so I'll talk to you all soon!

-Charlotte Mae